
So much of Sue’s early life was an attempt to please those around her. She found that this often kept her out of sight and out of trouble...But this often felt like a denial of true self. Sue found respite in nature and spent hours roaming the fields of Southern Idaho. In high school Sue’s family moved to Southern California and her connection with the natural earth was abruptly gone and replaced with the hard ugly pavement of city life. During this time she felt lost an outlet of expression was needed. Music and art became her new passion and pursuit.

A series of college experiences where art and music teachers told her that she was lacking in natural talent swiftly altered her life path. But this too…was problematic for a young woman whose soul lit up when she created art. Her twenties were spent moving around and working numerous jobs that held no interest for her. Bravely in her thirties, she courageously began to speak herself into the world in a deeply authentic and spiritual way. During this time Sue focused on creating her life to be one of her choosing where she remembered and continued her love affair with art and with the natural world. In her early thirties Sue went back to college and finished a degree in ecology and environmental science with a minor in studio art and cultural studies. Several years later she completed her masters in ecological restoration.

Currently, Sue lives in the beautiful San Bernardino Mountains and spends her time as an artist working with a variety of mediums (copper, acrylic, pastel, charcoal, pencil, wood, and pen & ink) to create works of contemporary, abstract, realistic and cubist art forms.

Artist Statement

Sue Priest is a full time working artist, which is to say she is immersed everyday  in creating beauty through visual representation. Browse through the galleries representing a variety of mediums and you will see through her eyes the joy of discovery and creativity. She embraces a variety of mediums to challenge and express herself innovatively. The past five years has been about cultivating copper flame painting skills. Sue draws on and colors solid copper pieces with a torch to create original wall art and jewelry. She also works in more traditional mediums such as acrylic and pastel. Although the mediums are more traditional Sue’s approach to them is currently evolving from representational work to contemporary abstract with tenets of cubism. For which she often expresses the micro in which nothing is as it appears - nature inspired transitioning into the abstract.

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